by NAV-lab

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Management and Traceability of processes about Quality Control in Sales/Purchases and Manufacturing

The APP offers tools to support the SMBs in QUALITY management and interacting activities (design, supply, production) in Sales, Purchasing, Production

The management of quality controls on incoming products allows to define parametrically, for each type of product managed, the following information:

- Control tests to be carried out by item type: it is possible to create different control cards to record the measurements linked to a specific item in line with its purchasing or production process. The "Control Card" is created according to the various measurements that you decide to carry out and is linked to one or more items.
- Admissible values and control parameters
- Measurement historicization made on the single Purchase or Production Orders with the Quality Instance cards
- Cards of Measuring instruments.


A control order allows to manage the controls of the quantities, received by purchasing or subcontracting, that are subject to inspection.
The incoming quality control management allows to manage the following information:

-Control order management linked to the input documents, subcontracting shipping documents and production orders.
- Control with traceability by Series No. and Lot No.
- Control sample sizes
- Conformity and NonConformity posting
- Loading of the warehouse location or specific placement of items (with the Quality Set Up) in relation to a receipt from vendors or subcontractors. 

The conforming quantities are put and moved to the receiving location/placement while the non-conforming quantities are transferred to the non-conforming materials location/placement. 

NonConformity management allows the compilation of cards for each item and document and production order to evaluate:

- Return from customer (customer non-conformity)
- Return to vendor (supplier non-conformity)
- Internal and/or production process activities (Process Non-Conformity)

Each NonConformity is followed in its evolution, defining: Type/State/Defects/Solutions/Result of Solutions/Closure.
The item database is linked with an “item card” to the quality measures, where the sampled quantities, non-conforming quantities and control card models are indicated.

This app supports both the Essentials and Premium Editions of Dynamics365 Business Central
Supported countries ITALY
Supported languages IT and EN

At a glance